Enrichment Classes

Early Elementary:.  

5-8 year olds


Each session we will narrow our focus in one area:  kitchen gardens, beneficial insects,  backyard ecology, etc. culminating in a scientific notebook.  Throughout the year we will discuss overarching principles of Earth care and management, while practicing the scientific method.   Students will learn through play and discovery, with hands-on sensory experiences.  Students will create elements to incorporate into their own backyard or patio.

Upper Elementary:.  

8-11 year olds


This course will include a general overview of plants and animals, to include their interactions and how those interactions shape the environment.  We will discuss gardening with ecology in mind, special contributions of Florida native species, how to attract beneficial insects to our garden, and why they are important.  Throughout the year, we will practice using the scientific method, documenting our learning in a scientific notebook.  Students will create elements to incorporate these principles into their own backyard or patio.

Family Class

When families learn together, they grow together!   

In our family class, we invite parents to join their children in a fun learning opportunity!

Topics may include beneficial insects, starting a kitchen garden,  backyard birding, or composting. 

Each class will include a take-home component to help you get started in your own backyard or patio. 

$35.00 first child

$20.00 each add’l child in family

Class Fees

Class fees vary based on content and length of class.   

Cost of class includes materials fee.

More information can be found on registration form by clicking links above.  

Non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 will reserve a spot for your child and cover administrative costs.

Class Schedules

  • Fall Semester          September 3, 2024 – November 20, 2024
  • Spring Semester     January 7, 2025 – April 23, 2025

Why Outdoor Learning?

Outdoor learning helps children develop creativity, problem-solving skills, independence, and confidence.

Outdoor learning improves physical, mental, and emotional health in children.

Outdoor learning motivates students to work together cooperatively, improving social skills and communication, as well as conflict management.

Outdoor learning leads to better long-term knowledge retention, versus learning indoors.

Plus, its just plain fun!!!

grass, tree, natural-477932.jpg